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- 西安英度教育科技有限公司商铺
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- 英度教育
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- 雅思托福
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- 6人班、一对一班
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- 西安雅思听力5.5分班,西安雅思听力6分班
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39.establish ______ corridors (e.g. for turtles)
we need to create corridors for migration, so they can get fromone area to another safely.
create替换成了 establish
23.The female physics students were wrong to believe that
A.the teachers marked them in an unfair way.
B.the male students expected them to do badly.
C.their test results were lower than the male students'.
GREG:That's what the women thought, and that made them nervous,so they did get poor results. But actually they were wrong ...
No one was making any assumptions about the female students atall.
to do badly 替换成了 get poor result
12.not touch any _____
And do stay at a safe distance from the tools: some of them havesharp points which can be pretty dangerous, so please don't touchthem.
Not touch 替换成了 stay at a safe distance
Need to know the ______ for the cleaning cupboard
So there's a locked cupboard and you'll be informed of the codeyou need to open that.
Need to know 替换成了be informed
11.In Shona's opinion, why do fewer people use buses in Barfordthese days?
A.The buses are old and uncomfortable.
B.Fares have gone up too much.
C.There are not so many bus routes.
Fifty years ago, buses linked virtually every part of the townand the neighbouring town and villages.
Most people used them frequently, but not now, because the buscompanies concentrate on just the routes that attract mostpassengers.
here are not so many bus routes替换成了 bus companies concentrate onjust the routes that attract most passengers.
法定代表人 | 孙瑜 | ||
注册资本 | 300万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 西安零基础封闭雅思培训,西安雅思英语全日制班哪家好,西安雅思培训零基础哪个好,西安英语零基础雅思培训班,西安雅思零基础5.5分 | ||
经营范围 | 许可经营项目:装饰装修工程的设计与施工。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) 一般经营项目:教学产品及设备的研发、设计、销售及技术服务;教学软件的开发、销售及技术服务;系统内员(职)工培训;企业营销策划;企业管理咨询;商务信息咨询;文化艺术交流活动组织策划(不含演出、培训);会议服务;展览展示服务(不含涉外商业性美术品展览);礼仪庆典服务;广告的设计、制作、代理及发布(须经审批项目除外)。(上述经营范围涉及许可经营项目的,凭许可证明文件或批准证书在有效期内经营,未经许可不得经营) | ||
公司简介 | 英度教育科技集团是由资深出国留学教育专家所创建的教育机构,专注出国留学考试,申请,等相关领域,建设B2B,B2C,O2O的生态系统。企业专家有美国ETS(美国TOEFL,GRE出题机构)访问学者,BritishCouncil(英国文化协会,雅思考试)官方认证教师,有业内TOEFL,IELTS,SAT,GRE超级高分获得者,有毕业于QS世界大学排行前一百的诸多名师,有国内985,211院校的精英,有 ... |
- 西安零基础考雅思托福英国本科雅思要求1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思写作培训补习班小作文快速写作要点1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安高考留学双保险留学新加坡成绩要求1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思听力一对一班应对听力填空题I的四个技巧1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思阅读7分班阅读部分提高方法1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思写作6.5分班写作顺序词汇1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思听力6.5分班听力练习技巧1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安托福一对一辅导班申请美国大学托福成绩要求1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安雅思暑假班基础薄弱备考雅思暑假班对你的帮助1.00元/人
机构:英度教育 - 西安留学雅思听力培训班听力陷阱这三点要知道1.00元/人