更新:2018-07-09 13:45 编号:5617140 发布IP: 浏览:88次- 发布企业
- 西安市雁塔区思润培训中心商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:西安市雁塔区思润培训中心组织机构代码:52610113783599485M
- 报价
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- 关键词
- 西安雅思 西安雅思7分班 雅思考试内容
- 所在地
- 西安市小寨国际贸易中心大厦22层
- 联系电话
- 029-85381932
- 手机
- 15609291237
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一、 考试概述:
Section 1 咨询——社区课程,10笔记
Section 2 介绍——英国驾照介绍,5单选+5配对
Section 3 学术讨论——主动学习,6单选+4多选
Section 4 学术讲座——沙漠蚂蚁,10笔记
Section 1新旧情况:
场景: 咨询——社区课程
1. time 7:45 Tuesday
2. something you can writeon
3.$140for 4 classes
4. Get a certificate
5. Bring your own knifeand container forconditionings
6. extra $56
7.LawtonCommunity Centre
8. Good for problem with the neck
9. Towel and Special mat
10. a small mirror
Section 2新旧情况:
题型: 5单选+5配对
11 What do you need to exchange driving in UK
A a medical report B current non-UK license C currentresiddents in UK/UE
12 What does speak say about transaction
A need go to a official agency B no always necessary Ccompany service included
13 Why the photos rejected
A wearing glasses B cream background instead of mono greyCin poor condition
14 How does speaker think about the checkservice
A speed up the processB the informaiton of forms isconfused
15 suggest for quick application
A look for personal recommendation B compare for lowprices C field via the Internet
16-20 配对
16 London - have clear signs
17 Edinburg - good traffic light
18 Cardiff - multiple lanes
19 Manchester - ring roads around the city
20 Oxford - many roads into the city centre
Section 3
21 experts said that the thinkers
B take long time to make decions
22 innovators
B have good instincts
23 Eric says people in their class are
B thinkers (desire to be innovators,but in fact arethinkers who collect and analyze data)
24 Eris says that one a doer is
A impatience
25 Alice says that what she will improve
C participate more (more proactive and stop letting whoprepare worse than her to dominate)
26 Alice and Eric say that in the future,theworkshop
A should be in an eariler state
27&28 two things of case studies to bedifficult
B know when to avoid the safest option
C compare a number of possible solutions
29&30 two skills to focus on
C deal with opposition
D persuade others
Section 4
场景: 学术讲座——沙漠蚂蚁
31 live in environment except for desert and coldareas
32 often found under rocks
33 first found in Brisbane in 2001, near theport
34 carried in soilin farming equipment
35 prevent people from getting water
36 reduce use of sports facilities
37 damage electrical systems
38 aided by well-trained dogs
39 cameras wired to a helicopter
40 insecticide and bait mixed with corn
法定代表人 | 郭泽鑫 | ||
注册资本 | 3万 | ||
主营产品 | 西安雅思培训,西安雅思培训哪里好,西安雅思培训班,西安英语培训,西安雅思托福培训班,西安雅思考试 | ||
经营范围 | 外语培训 | ||
公司简介 | 思润培训中心,成立于2005年,是国内专业的出国类语言考试培训基地,并且在业内率先通过iso9001:2008质量认证。中心成立12年以来,专注于出国类语言考试领域的研发和培训,并且连年荣获“消费者诚信办学机构”,“年度先进民办教育机构”,“年度诚信外语培训机构”,“年度最佳雅思培训机构”等多项荣誉称号。思润培训中心同时拥有通用语言测试研究中心(ultra),该研究中心充分利用思润多年来培训数万名 ... |
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