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根据ETS官方对于成绩区间的划分,为不同分数段(low, intermediate, high)的考生分别列出参考书目。
· understand main ideas when they are stated explicitly ormarked as important, but may have difficulty understanding mainideas if they are not stated explicitly
· understand important details when they are stated explicitlyor marked as important, but may have difficulty understandingdetails if they are not repeated or clearly marked as important, orif they are conveyed over several exchanges among differentspeakers
· understand ways that speakers use language to emphasize apoint or to indicate agreement or disagreement, but generally onlywhen the information is related to a central theme or is clearlymarked as important
· make connections between the key ideas in a conversation,particularly if the ideas are related to a central theme or arerepeated
1. 听力材料
· Liste n to recordings on topics that are familiar to you.
· Listen to short programs with some academic content.
· Listen to conversations.
2. 练习文章步骤
1) First listen with English subtitles, if they areavailable.
2) Then, without subtitles, listen for the main ideas and keydetails.
3) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understandingand to understand the connections between ideas.
《Absolute TOEFL直通托福基础教程》
《剑桥国际英语语音教程 美音版》
2、INTERMEDIATE (14-21 分)
· Understand explicitly stated main ideas and important details,especially if they are reinforced, but may have difficultyunderstanding main ideas that must be inferred or important detailsthat are not reinforced
· understand how information is being used (for example, toprovide support or describe a step in a complex process)
· recognize how pieces of information are connected (forexample, in a cause- and- effect relationship)
· understand, though perhaps not consistently, ways thatspeakers use language for purposes other than to give information(for example, to emphasize a point, express agreement ordisagreement, or convey intentions indirectly)
· synthesize information from adjacent parts of a lecture orconversation and make correct inferences on the basis of thatinformation, but may have difficulty synthesizing information fromseparate parts of a lecture or conversation
· Start with familiar topics; then move to topics that are newto you.
· Listen to programs with academic content, such as “NOVA”, BBCand NPR broadcasts.
3) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understandingand to understand the connections between ideas, the structure ofthe talk and the speakers’ attitude.
https://tpo.xdf.cn 官方材料精听
《托福听力 弦外之音》题型和习题详解可供参考
3、HIGH (22-30分)
· understand main ideas and important details, whether they arestated or implied
· distinguish more important ideas from less important ones
· understand how information is being used (for example, toprovide
evidence for a claim or describe a step in a complexprocess)
· recognize how pieces of information are connected (forexample, in a cause-and-e ffect relationship)
· understand many different ways that speakers use language forpurposes other than to give information (for example, to emphasizea point, express agreement or disagreement, or convey intentionsindirectly)
· synthesize information, even when it is not presented insequence, and make correct inferences on the basis of thatinformation
· Focus on topics that are new to you.
· Listen to academic lectures and public talks.
1) First listen for the main ideas and key details.
2) Then listen again to fill in gaps in your understanding; tounderstand the connections between ideas, the structure of the talkand the speakers’ attitude; and to distinguish fact fromopinion.
《TOEFL核心词汇21天突破》《词以类记:TOEFL iBT词汇》
https://tpo.xdf.cn 官方材料文章结构分析;科学美国人 60 - SECOND SCIENCE精听
法定代表人 | 张有功 | ||
注册资本 | 100万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 西安雅思托福培训班,西安出国留学语言培训,西安sat培训班,西安act培训班 | ||
经营范围 | 教学办公产品及设备的研发、设计、销售及技术服务;教学软件的开发、销售及技术服务;系统内员(职)工培训;企业营销策划;企业管理咨询;商务信息咨询;文化艺术交流活动组织策划(不含演出、培训);会议服务;展览展示服务(不含涉外商业性美术品展览);礼仪庆典服务;广告的设计、制作、代理及发布。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 西安德米安教育科技有限公司由原新东方一线名师及核心管理团队组建,曾经在出国语言考试市场占据最大份额,帮助数万名学员取得过优秀的成绩,是一批教学经验丰富的一线名师。我们的老师是普林斯顿ETS的访问学者,并获得培训证书;是剑桥雅思官方机构英国文化协会的官方认证老师;是伦敦InternationalHouse的认证培训教师,是获得国际教师资质TESOL的权威老师。他们熟悉各类出国语言考试的命题思路,准确 ... |
- 西安高新雅思听力5.5分班听力提分需要掌握这些300.00元/人
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机构:德米安教育 - 西安小寨零基础学雅思之学渣逆袭备考方法300.00元/人
机构:德米安教育 - 西安东郊托福考试培训机构阅读备考三大要点300.00元/人
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机构:德米安教育 - 西安北郊雅思英语听力学习班有效积累词汇的方法300.00元/人
机构:德米安教育 - 西安北郊托福考试培训机构之备考攻略分享300.00元/人
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